Jewelry Specialty Channel "Jewelry ☆ GSTV"

Daily live programs focused on jewelry’s timeless allure

We offer direct sales of original jewelry featuring commentary from jewelry experts.
Our live broadcasts have a sense of presence and passion, and have been well received by many customers.

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    Creating attractive programs founded on extensive knowledge of jewelry

    We offer a broad selection of products from many vendors, including major domestic chain manufacturers, pearl specialty manufacturers and diamond sightholders. We create programs that go beyond jewelry sales to communicate the timeless allure of jewelry.

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    Packed with information on jewelry publication of the program guide "GSTV FAN"

    We also broadcast monthly programs, and publish information on new jewelry and a list of programs featuring serialized articles on jewelry. We distribute this popular information free of charge through subscriptions, product shipments, stores and events.

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    Attractive in-person events held throughout the country

    We hold events that allow our customers to see the products introduced in our broadcasts in person, as well as meet the MCs and commentators who appear on the show. We also provide an after-sales service for our products.

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    Our customer service center processes orders for the products showcased on the program and responds to inquiries

    Our meticulous ordering and after-sales service is closely tied in with our broadcasts. Our operators, who have extensive knowledge about jewelry, will be happy to assist you courteously.